children and youth
Be a domino for Jesus!
CLICK the image to view a fun domino video!
Acts 5: 12-14
Have you ever watched one of those awesome domino videos where someone lines up thousands of dominoes, then pushes the first one, and it starts a chain reaction that knocks the rest of them down.
That's kind of what happened when Jesus's apostles started teaching and preaching about him. The Bible says they were given the power to perform many miracles. And even though the leaders of the people told them to stop teaching about Jesus, they didn't! They kept on teaching, and more and more people believed. And they told more and more people, and pretty soon the message of Jesus's love for us spread around the region, and then around the world.
Peter and the Apostles were like the first domino in the line. They (well...really Jesus) started something that couldn't be stopped. And YOU can be a domino, too! Even if you only tell one person about Jesus, that could be the start of a chain reaction. So....BE A DOMINO!!
Have you ever watched one of those awesome domino videos where someone lines up thousands of dominoes, then pushes the first one, and it starts a chain reaction that knocks the rest of them down.
That's kind of what happened when Jesus's apostles started teaching and preaching about him. The Bible says they were given the power to perform many miracles. And even though the leaders of the people told them to stop teaching about Jesus, they didn't! They kept on teaching, and more and more people believed. And they told more and more people, and pretty soon the message of Jesus's love for us spread around the region, and then around the world.
Peter and the Apostles were like the first domino in the line. They (well...really Jesus) started something that couldn't be stopped. And YOU can be a domino, too! Even if you only tell one person about Jesus, that could be the start of a chain reaction. So....BE A DOMINO!!
Show me how
Have you ever tried folding an origami art piece without looking at the pictures? It's hard! Sometimes the words don't make sense unless you watch someone do it. Jesus knew that words alone weren't always enough for us to understand what he was teaching. So, Jesus SHOWED us how to love and serve others. He SHOWED us how to treat people kindly, no matter who they are. In Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26, we see Jesus befriending a hated tax collector, showing compassion and healing a sick woman, and healing the daughter of someone who considered Jesus an enemy. Jesus didn't just tell us what to do...Jesus showed us how to live!
(if you'd like to learn how to fold an origami house, click on the image above!)
(if you'd like to learn how to fold an origami house, click on the image above!)
what do you see?
Stare at this image for 20-30 seconds (don't blink!), then quickly look at a blank wall, ceiling or piece of paper. What do you see?!
What we see with our eyes doesn't always make sense. But when we take the time to engage our brains, we "see" something different.
In John 9:1-41, we read the story of Jesus healing a man who was born blind. He was able to see with his eyes for the first time ever, but he also was able to "see" with his heart and his mind. He understood that Jesus was the promised messiah. The pharisees, however, were "blind" to who Jesus really was and what he was trying to do.
Ephesians 5:18 says: I pray that the eyes of your heart may be opened so that you may know the hope to which God has called you.
Open the eyes of our hearts, Lord, so that we may truly SEE you!
What we see with our eyes doesn't always make sense. But when we take the time to engage our brains, we "see" something different.
In John 9:1-41, we read the story of Jesus healing a man who was born blind. He was able to see with his eyes for the first time ever, but he also was able to "see" with his heart and his mind. He understood that Jesus was the promised messiah. The pharisees, however, were "blind" to who Jesus really was and what he was trying to do.
Ephesians 5:18 says: I pray that the eyes of your heart may be opened so that you may know the hope to which God has called you.
Open the eyes of our hearts, Lord, so that we may truly SEE you!
What are Chrismons?
The word Chrismon is a combination of two words: Christ and monogram. (A monogram is a symbol for something) So a Chrismon is a symbol that reminds us of Jesus. We decorate our church Christmas trees with Chrismons to celebrate the birth of Jesus and to help us remember Jesus during the Christmas season. Click on the picture above to download a coloring page and more information about Christmons!
Penns Valley Diaper Depot
The Penns Valley Diaper Depot is a free ministry helping families in the Penns Valley Area School District. Families with children between the ages of birth and four years, will receive approximately 40 diapers and a package of wipes at each distribution. (There is a limited number of XL diapers for children up to 100 pounds for families with that need.)There are no income restrictions at this time...we simply want to help our local families keep their children clean, dry and healthy.
Diaper distributions will be held on the 4th Saturday, from 11:00am until 12:30 pm, at the Trinity UCC Parsonage in Centre Hall.
Please bring your child(ren), photo ID and proof of address when you come.
The Penns Valley Diaper Depot is a free ministry helping families in the Penns Valley Area School District. Families with children between the ages of birth and four years, will receive approximately 40 diapers and a package of wipes at each distribution. (There is a limited number of XL diapers for children up to 100 pounds for families with that need.)There are no income restrictions at this time...we simply want to help our local families keep their children clean, dry and healthy.
Diaper distributions will be held on the 4th Saturday, from 11:00am until 12:30 pm, at the Trinity UCC Parsonage in Centre Hall.
Please bring your child(ren), photo ID and proof of address when you come.
Don't Worry!
It's back to school time, and a lot of us get nervous, worried and scared about a new school year, new teachers, new classrooms. The Bible tells us to pray about our worries and God will give us peace (Phil. 4:6-7). The Psalmist also says "I will lift up my eyes to the help comes from the Lord." (Psalm 121). If you're worried about school, or anything else, take a minute to look at the beautiful mountains all around our valley, and remember that God is with you, even in your worries.
Make a zipper tag reminder that God is always with you:
Print this image of the mountains (OR, take a picture of some mountains near your house or school and print that!)
Laminate can use clear packing tape or clear contact paper to make your picture stronger and water resistant.
Punch a hole on one side and use a paper clip, rubber band or string to attach it to your backpack, pencil pouch or something else you carry to school every day.
When you're feeling worried, remember who made the mountains. Remember that God made YOU, too, and ask him to give you peace about your worries and fears.
Let's Get Creative!!
God is the creator of everything, and God created US in his image! That means we have creativity built right into our nature. We might not ever be famous artists or musicians, but we can ALL create. And using the gift of creativity that God built into us, helps our hearts and minds heal when we are tired, lonely, or hurting inside. When we create, we feel good about ourselves. Creating something takes our minds off of our worries for a few minutes and gives our brains a rest. And when we share our creativity with others, we're helping THEM, too.
So, let's get creative! Look around your house and your yard for "stuff" that you can create with! You might use fabric scraps or yarn, crayons, markers or paints, wood, sticks, rocks, leaves, bark or even feathers. You might decide to create in the kitchen..what could you bake today? Or maybe you'll create a story, a poem or a song to share.
Then, take a picture of your creation and email to the church: [email protected], with "Let's Get Creative" in the subject line. We'll upload all of your creative photos here to share their healing power with everyone else! (Parents, we will only use first names with the photos. If you would prefer no name to be included, please include that in your email.)
So, let's get creative! Look around your house and your yard for "stuff" that you can create with! You might use fabric scraps or yarn, crayons, markers or paints, wood, sticks, rocks, leaves, bark or even feathers. You might decide to create in the kitchen..what could you bake today? Or maybe you'll create a story, a poem or a song to share.
Then, take a picture of your creation and email to the church: [email protected], with "Let's Get Creative" in the subject line. We'll upload all of your creative photos here to share their healing power with everyone else! (Parents, we will only use first names with the photos. If you would prefer no name to be included, please include that in your email.)
Write your own story!
Sunday, March 7, 2021
During Children's Time today, we talked about the power of Stories to help us build connections, remember important things, and bring healing to ourselves and to others. Each of us were encouraged to think about and write about our OWN story during the past year. What do you want to remember about living through a pandemic? What do you want to forget!? How can your story help you or someone else feel better about the past year? About the future. Click on the button below to download some questions to get you thinking about YOUR story.
During Children's Time today, we talked about the power of Stories to help us build connections, remember important things, and bring healing to ourselves and to others. Each of us were encouraged to think about and write about our OWN story during the past year. What do you want to remember about living through a pandemic? What do you want to forget!? How can your story help you or someone else feel better about the past year? About the future. Click on the button below to download some questions to get you thinking about YOUR story.
Advent 2020
During Advent this year, we will be exploring the different names and titles that Jesus is called by the different people in his life. Each week, the Children's Time portion of the worship service will introduce a different name, and a new "at home" activity will be posted here. We hope you and your family will check back each week for another activity to help you prepare for the arrival of Jesus, our King, our Savior, the Light of our world.
The Light of the world: Fourth Sunday of Advent
Christmas season is a season of lights. Every year we decorate our homes, inside and out, with brightly colored Christmas lights. Then we drive around at night and look at the lights in our neighborhoods. We have Advent wreaths in our homes and churches, and each week we light another candle. Have you ever given any thought to WHY we use lights at Christmas? I'm not really sure of the history of Christmas lights, but I do know this: Jesus said "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." (John 8:12) I like to think that all the lights we see are in celebration and remembrance of the birth of the one true light...Jesus. For this week's Advent activity, I'd like to challenge you to look at the lights in your home and neighborhood, and remember that Jesus is the light of the world. Then, click on the picture of the Christmas lights to print out a "Share the light" challenge!
Emmanuel: third sunday of advent
This week, we learned that Jesus was called Emmanuel, which means "God With Us". Jesus IS God, but he became human to walk with us and teach us and understand what it means to face temptations. Jesus was born as a baby...just like all of us were, and he grew up, just like we are. He understands what it feels like to be a kid! Emmanuel...God with the greatest Christmas gift the world has ever gotten. To help us remember that amazing gift that God gave us so many years ago, this week, we'll be making a Christmas tree ornament. You'll need a piece of construction paper, some scissors, markers and glue. You can add ribbon, stickers or anything else you'd like to decorate your ornament. Click on the picture below to watch a video demonstration and make your very own "Greatest Gift" ornament.
Jesus is Savior: Second Sunday of Advent
Luke 19:10 says: “The Son of Man (that’s Jesus) came to find lost people and save them."The whole reason Jesus was born was to save lost rescue walk with us and show us the way. We never have to worry about being lost or alone, because Jesus is always with us.
The Bible also tells us that Jesus is the Great Shepherd. ( Hebrews 9:20 ) A shepherd's job is to keep his sheep safe, and to rescue them if they get lost. Jesus is OUR shepherd, and he came to keep us safe and rescue US if we lose our way.
To help us remember that Jesus came to save us when we're lost, we can play a "Save the Sheep" game at home. You'll need a "safe place" for the sheep to "live". A shoe box, a basket, or other small container would work well....get creative and decorate it, if you'd like to! Maybe your sheep could live near your nativity set. Then, click on the button below to download some sheep images and verses that remind us that Jesus came to save us. (If you print these back-to-back, you'll have 6 sheep, each with a verse written on the back) Cut the sheep out and glue cotton balls on the sheep to make them nice and fluffy! Then have one person hide them around the house. Search for the lost sheep, and when you find one, return it to the safety of the pen before you go looking for more!
Want to have some more fun? What about a Save the Sheep hide and seek game? One family member could dress as a shepherd, and everyone else could pretend to be sheep. The sheep will hide while the shepherd looks for them. Sheep could "baa" to give the shepherd a hint!
The Bible also tells us that Jesus is the Great Shepherd. ( Hebrews 9:20 ) A shepherd's job is to keep his sheep safe, and to rescue them if they get lost. Jesus is OUR shepherd, and he came to keep us safe and rescue US if we lose our way.
To help us remember that Jesus came to save us when we're lost, we can play a "Save the Sheep" game at home. You'll need a "safe place" for the sheep to "live". A shoe box, a basket, or other small container would work well....get creative and decorate it, if you'd like to! Maybe your sheep could live near your nativity set. Then, click on the button below to download some sheep images and verses that remind us that Jesus came to save us. (If you print these back-to-back, you'll have 6 sheep, each with a verse written on the back) Cut the sheep out and glue cotton balls on the sheep to make them nice and fluffy! Then have one person hide them around the house. Search for the lost sheep, and when you find one, return it to the safety of the pen before you go looking for more!
Want to have some more fun? What about a Save the Sheep hide and seek game? One family member could dress as a shepherd, and everyone else could pretend to be sheep. The sheep will hide while the shepherd looks for them. Sheep could "baa" to give the shepherd a hint!
Jesus is King: First Sunday of Advent
"King" is one of the names that Jesus was called in the Bible. Jesus is the King of Kings! (Revelation 17:14) To help us remember His Kingship during this advent season, here is a quick and easy Crown project for you to make at home. Click on the link to print out the crown and jewel templates (or you can make your own crown any way you would like!) Place the crown template on construction paper of your choice. Cut two and tape together at the center. Then decorate your crown! You can print the color jewels, or the black and white ones and color them yourself. On each jewel, write one of the names that Jesus was given. (Click on the "names of Jesus" button to get some ideas, or look through your Bible with your family to find some.) Add some extra sparkle if you want to, with markers, crayons, glitter glue...whatever you have around the house. When your crown is finished, place it somewhere so you’ll see it every day and remember that Jesus is our King, and that our hope is in Him.
Origami Hearts: Jesus taught us to Love God, AND to love our neighbors. Here's a simple, fun way to spread some of God's love to the people around us! Click on the image to download instructions for making origami hearts. Make as many as you want....big, small and in between. Then write some kind words on the hearts and give or mail them to people you know....or even those you DON'T know. Maybe you could drop some off at the hospital for the doctors, nurses and other hospital staff. Check with a nursing home and see if they'll let you drop off some hearts for their residents. Put one in the mailbox for the mailman, or mail one to a friend that you miss seeing. We're all missing our friends and extended family, and we're all getting tired of being let's use some of our time and energy to show a little LOVE this week!!
I thought He looked familiar!
When Jesus appeared to the two disciples walking on the road to Emmaus, they didn't recognize him at first. Click on the image to hear the children's message from Sunday, April 26, and hear about how Jesus met the men and taught them to remember the lessons they had learned from the scriptures. T |
Close-up Matching Game:
Would you like to make a memory game to play with your family this week?! Click on the image to see a brief video about making a matching game using the close-up pictures. Click on the button to download the pdf of pictures to print. Glue the pages to construction paper, then cut the pictures apart on the lines. Place pictures face down on your table, then select two pictures to turn face up. If you find a close-up/far away match, remove those pictures from the game and take another turn. If they do not match, your turn is over and someone else gets to try. OR....instead of using these pictures, take your OWN pictures to make a game! Take a close up and a far away picture of things around your house. Print them (2-3" pictures work well), glue the pictures to construction paper and cut them out. Then have fun playing with your family! |
I'll Believe it When I See It!
It's hard to believe things you can't really see! Click on the image to see something "unbelievable", and to learn about Thomas, wouldn't believe Jesus had risen from the grave until he saw the proof with his own eyes.
It's hard to believe things you can't really see! Click on the image to see something "unbelievable", and to learn about Thomas, wouldn't believe Jesus had risen from the grave until he saw the proof with his own eyes.
Easter Butterflies
Click on the image to hear a short message about butterflies and becoming a new creation in Christ. Make some beautiful butterflies to decorate your house, too!
Click on the image to hear a short message about butterflies and becoming a new creation in Christ. Make some beautiful butterflies to decorate your house, too!
Empty Tomb Cookies
Here's a fun Easter Eve activity to do with your family. Click the link below to download the recipe and scripture readings so you can bake some "Empty Tomb Cookies" at home. You may also click on the Image to access a YouTube video about Empty Tomb cookies. As we approach this most unusual Easter weekend, we hope that you and your family are safe and healthy, and can enjoy your time together!
Here's a fun Easter Eve activity to do with your family. Click the link below to download the recipe and scripture readings so you can bake some "Empty Tomb Cookies" at home. You may also click on the Image to access a YouTube video about Empty Tomb cookies. As we approach this most unusual Easter weekend, we hope that you and your family are safe and healthy, and can enjoy your time together!
Waiting Jar Activity
In this week's Children's Message, we talked about how hard it can be to wait for things. The Psalmist was waiting for God to hear and answer his prayers, much like we are all waiting for God to answer our prayers concerning the Coronavirus. We talked about things we can to while we're waiting to make the time more useful, and to help us from being scared or anxious while we're waiting. One way to be intentional about how we spend our waiting time is to create a Waiting Jar for your family. Take any jar or box that you have and decorate it any way you'd like. (I've included some labels you can print and use if you'd like to.) Then print out these activity ideas, or write your own. Cut them apart and place in the jar. Each day, you can select one (or more) ideas from the Waiting Jar to help you find ways to wait more actively!
You can listen to the children's message in the video below.
In this week's Children's Message, we talked about how hard it can be to wait for things. The Psalmist was waiting for God to hear and answer his prayers, much like we are all waiting for God to answer our prayers concerning the Coronavirus. We talked about things we can to while we're waiting to make the time more useful, and to help us from being scared or anxious while we're waiting. One way to be intentional about how we spend our waiting time is to create a Waiting Jar for your family. Take any jar or box that you have and decorate it any way you'd like. (I've included some labels you can print and use if you'd like to.) Then print out these activity ideas, or write your own. Cut them apart and place in the jar. Each day, you can select one (or more) ideas from the Waiting Jar to help you find ways to wait more actively!
You can listen to the children's message in the video below.